Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3)


Career Fellowship

Are you looking for some fellowship related to courses and careers? Some of the saints who have studied in London share their testimonies of their studies and, if applicable, the careers afterward. There are also answers to some frequently asked questions and a virtual tour of Western University.

These are available under the Resources/Career Fellowship menu choices.

Children's Meetings

Time: Every Lord's Day at 5:30 pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 938 2707 6085
Passcode:   725

Our Meetings

Lord's Table
Sunday at 10:00 am

This is a meeting where we gather to remember the Lord in praise and worship and to partake of the bread and the cup as the Lord instructed. We try not to be formal or ritualistic, rather the meeting is designed to give everyone a chance to participate in order to touch the Lord with their spirit.

Ministry and Prophecying
Sunday at 11:00 am

This meeting usually has 4 elements: singing, a message from the Bible, a time of review of the message in groups of 4 - 6 people, and a time of "prophecying". When we speak of prophecying, we do not stress a supernatural prediction of the future. We mean that all the members are encouraged to speak something for the Lord based on 3 main elements: what they have just heard and reviewed from the message, their knowledge of the truth, and their experience and enjoyment of the Lord. After the meeting some families remain to eat lunch together. It is a pot luck dinner in which each brings whatever they have prepared and all share together. Other families are in the habit of inviting guests to come to their house for lunch.

Tuesday at 8:00 pm

In the prayer meetings we do spend some time to touch the Lord in spirit through the Word. This brings us into an atmosphere and spirit where we are able to pray to the Lord in spirit according to His leading.

Saturday at 7:00 pm

In this meeting we pray over the Word, learn some new songs or enjoy some we know, and have some ministry of the Word. We come together before the meeting for supper together at the hall. A few prepare the food for everyone and the rest chip in a couple dollars to help pay for it.

Family Meeting
Friday at 7:30 pm

This is a time for parents and children to enjoy singing together and then to learn from the stories of the bible. Once a month is an activity time rather than the story time.

Young People's Meeting
Friday at 8:00 pm

The young people get together in someone's home each week to enjoy the Lord together through singing and through some material which they review and share with each other.

Home Meetings
Throughout the week

There are smaller meetings in homes in English, Spanish or Chinese. The nature and content of the meetings varies according to the needs of those in the meeting.


Get in touch

Contact Us
The Church in London
725 Viscount Rd
London, Ontario, N6J 4G9
Phone: (519) 472-0350
Fax: (519) 471-3132